Lake Pearl was originally known as Whiting’s Pond, named after the Whiting family, who operated a mill there starting in the late seventeenth century. During the mid-nineteenth century, the George family purchased land east of the lake and ran a park there. Known as George’s Park, it attracted people from all over the area. In 1885, William Enegren, who owned and operated a bakery business in Franklin, used monies from the sale of the land and building of the Franklin establishment to purchase George’s Park. He relocated his business there and sold baked goods to summer visitors. William Energen’s daughter, Pearl, who was just a toddler, died shortly after the move to Wrentham. William renamed the park as Lake Pearl Park in her honor.
Weddings are still the most popular event at Lake Pearl Wrentham, along with corporate meetings and social events. The management and staff hope you will enjoy your visit to Lake Pearl Wrentham. We want to add your pleasant memories to the long tradition of fine cuisine, happy celebrations, and friendly service that form the ongoing history of Lake Pearl.